About the Author

Ramani grew up in London during WWII. His Gujerati mother was a Pre-Bollywood actress and dancer and his South African Tamil father was a singer. Both were subscripted to entertain troops throughout the UK. This set the tone for Ramani’s lifelong involvement in the arts. He worked first in television and later in theater in London and Denmark, in lighting, prop design and management. He founded an Arts and Yoga center in Copenhagen and Christiania Free State, Denmark. He has owned and operated an organic baked goods company, designed jewelry, produced a radio show, taught meditation and yoga, worked as an intuitive counselor, written a screenplay, painted prolifically and found multiple creative ways to earn a living. He has traveled extensively and has lived in New Mexico, on Crete, in Costa Rica and currently lives in Gloucester, MA. He is a husband, father, grandfather and a deeply concerned global citizen.

Gathering Moments in Time

Gathering Moments in Time